Dienstag, 21. Januar 2025



von/by Paula Rosolen / Haptic Hide

Am 6. und 7. November am Staatstheater Darmstadt im Rahmen der Tanzplattform Rhein-Main

Uraufführung am Dienstag, den 12. Juli 2016, um 20.00 Uhr im Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt
Weitere Aufführung am 13. Juli 2016
Im Anschluss an die Aufführung am 13. Juli findet ein Künstlergespräch statt.

Premiere on Thuesday, 12th July 2016 at 8 pm at Mousonturm Francfort
and on Wednesday, 13th July 2016

Keine Sprachkenntnisse erforderlich
Dauer: ca. 55 Minuten, keine Pause

Weitere Vorstellungen:
Am 6. und 7. November am Staatstheater Darmstadt.
2017 folgen Gastspiele in Kuala Lumpur und am Théâtre de la Ville - Théâtre des Abbesses in Paris.

In many epochs and cultures, e.g. in Romantic ballet or in classical Javanese dance, the movements of puppets were regarded as a dance ideal. Now, Paula Rosolen lends an astonishing twist to this relationship between puppets and dancers. Instead of focusing on the movements of the puppets, she concentrates on those of the puppeteers. What dances normally escape our attention? What kinds of choreographic patterns emerge from the shared handling of a puppet? Via an art form foreign to dance, i.e. puppet theater, Rosolen develops a new perspective on dance and the perception thereof.

Concept and choreography: Paula Rosolen
Artistic & research advisor: Juan M. Morales
Created with and and danced by: Jungyun Bae, Alina Bilokon, Émilia Giudicelli, Atsushi Heki, Marko Milic
Music and composition: David Morrow
Hurdy Gurdy: Knud Seckel
Light design and technical director: Lea Schneidermann
Costumes: Takako Senda, Anika Alischewski, Juan M. Morales
Dramatic Advice: Jeff Friedman
Choreographic assistance: Christopher Matthews
Haptic Hide Management: Karin Berrio
Production manager: Takako Senda
PR: Kathrin Schäfer KulturPR
Photos: Jörg Baumann

A production of Paula Rosolen / Haptic Hide in coproduction with TanzplattformRhein-Main, a project of Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and the Hessisches Staatsballett (Staatstheater Darmstadt and Staatstheater Wiesbaden), the Théâtre de la Ville Paris and the Damansara Performing Arts Centre Kuala Lumpur.
Supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) Coproduction Fund for Dance, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of adecision by the German Bundestag, the City of Frankfurtam Main, the Hessian Ministry for Science and Art.
Supported by The Saison Foundation Japan, Goethe-Institut Malasyia and FAZIT-STIFTUNG.
The Research was supported by a residency at the Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa Kyoto.
Thanks to Frankfurt LAB.

Special thanks to:
Grupo de Titiriteros del Teatro San Martín - Adelaida Mangani, National Bunraku Theater, Nobata-san, Yukiko Senda, Awaji Ningyo-za Theater, Kyo Shishimai Project, Mibu-rokusai-nenbutsu-kōchu, Gion-shishimai-kenkyukai, Katsuren-haebaru-kōminkan in Uruma City/Okinawa, Yoko Fukatsu, Ohki  Kindaichi, Bettina Langner-Teramot, Mio Yachita, Prof. Tan Sooi Beng (School of Arts, University Science Malaysia/Penang), Master Siow Ho Phiew, Wan Seng Hang Dragon & Lion Arts, Kuala Lumpur, SMJK Chung Hwa Confucian Dragon & Lion Dance Group (Penang), Joie Koo (Allspire Photography/Penang), Marotte Figurentheater Karlsruhe, Lau Hong Gua, M.i.C.A Berlin

Paula Rosolen graduated from the University for Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt. She holds a MA in Choreography and Performance from the JLU in Gießen.

In her works, beginning in 2010 with »Die Farce der Suche« (2010), »Libretto« (2012) and »Piano Men - A Tanzfonds Erbe Project« (2013), she examines therelationship between documentary theatre, oral history and dance.

Paula Rosolen works with the goal of making visible the inherent dance presentin popular culture and everyday life. These subjects are always studied from adistinct point of view, and are usually set in a foreign context.

It is in this spirit that »Aerobics! – A Ballett in 3 Akts« - was born, a german-french coproduction of Théâtre de la Ville Paris, Mousonturm Frankfurt, Sophiensaele Berlin and Musée de la Danse Rennes. Its 10-minute-version won the 1st prize at the 3rd edition of Danse Élargie (2014).

The premiere of »Aerobics! – A Ballett in 3 Akts« took place on 2. September 2015 at  Théâtre de la Ville - Abbesses in Paris, the German-premiere was at 1. Oktober 2015 in the frame of the festival »Every StepYou Take– ein überoptimiertes Tanzfestival« at Sophiensaele in Berlin. Further performances were shown at Mousonturm Frankfurt, at Kondenz-Festival in Belgrade and at »BOUGE B 2016 - Festival for Dance and performance« in Antwerp/Belgium. 2016 it was invited to the opening of the dance-year 2016 at the German Federal President at Berlin Schloss Bellevue and to Tanzplattform Deutschland 2016 in Frankfurt.

In 2015 Paula Rosolen foundet her company Haptic Hide.

More information here:



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