Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2024


Aerobics! – A ballet in 3 Acts

von Paula Rosolen / Haptic Hide

September 2 (French Premiere), 3, 4 and 5 at 8.30 pm at Théâtre de la Ville - Abbesses, Paris

October 1 (German Premiere), 2, 3 and 4 at the festival Every Step You Take - ein überoptimiertes Tanzfestival at Sophiensaele, Berlin

October 22, 23 and 24 at Mousonturm, Frankfurt

October 26 at Cultural Center Magacin, Belgrade

Invitation to the opening of the Tanzjahr 2016 / Dance Year 2016 on February 19, 2016, at Schloss Bellevue/Berlin.

Invited to the Tanzplattform Deutschland / Dance Platform Germany 2016:
On 3 and 4 March 2016 in the Kurtheater Bad Homburg

On 15 April 2016 at the »BOUGE B 2016 - Festival for Dance and performance« at the International Arts Center deSingel in Antwerp/Belgium.

On 1st and 2nd September 2016 at the Theaterfestival Basel

The dancer and choreographer Paula Rosolen was awarded for her sketch of  "Aerobics!" with the first price of the international competition "Danse Élargie" in June 2014, organized by the Théâtre de la Ville Paris and the Musée de la Danse Rennes.

Here the trailer:

"Aerobics! A ballet in 3 Acts", a piece for 7 dancers, develops a new perspective on aerobics, a sport and physical training practice that conquered the world in the 1980s. During the three-acts structure, dancers investigate the relationship of dance, choreography and aerobics from its aesthetics and coordinated movements. The piece develops a precise study and reinterpretation of the subsurface structure of this fitness practice. The aerobic movement vocabulary is brought in an unusual structural and spatial relationship, disassembled and put back together. It will be treated as dance material for choreography, applying a dramaturgical line and content for the development of movements and changes of rhythm.

Paula Rosolen graduated from the University for Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt. She holds a MA in Choreography and Performance from the JLU in Gießen. Granted with DanceWEB. She was choreographer in residence at K3-Zentrum für Choreographie in Hamburg and Workspace Brussels. Paula was   also funded by Goethe Institut’s young talent program.

Paula Rosolen’s works have been shown at ZKM Karlsruhe, Pact Zollverein, Museum Wiesbaden, Frankfurt LAB, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Akademie der Künste Berlin/Feldforschung Festival, Festival 150%Hamburg, Biennale Tanzausbildung 2008/2012, Kampnagel, European Festival for Contemporary Dance Poland, Theaterdiscounter Berlin, Centro Cultural de la Cooperación in Buenos Aires.
in her works, beginning in 2010 with "Die Farce der Suche" (2010), "Libretto" (2012) and "Piano Men - A Tanzfonds Erbe Project" (2013), she examines the relationship between documentary theatre, oral history and dance.

Paula Rosolen works with the goal of making visible the inherent dance present in popular culture and everyday life. These subjects are always studied from a distinct point of view, and are usually set in a foreign context.
It is in this spirit that "Aerobics!" - was born,  a 10-minute piece, which won 1st prize at the 3rd edition of Danse Élargie (2014), a competition organized by Theatre de la Ville, Paris, and Musee de la Danse in Rennes. "Aerobics! - A ballet in 3 Acts" is a continuation of that theme.



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